Cost analysis of pallet rack system

It’ is critical in choosing a pallet rack system to account for the total system cost, not just the rack itself, to ensure that the overall system you choose will provide the best long-term value for your operation. The following are some of the factors you need to consider.


Pallet rack style

Pallet rack systems can vary from a single deep selective rack, all the way to high density push-back and drive in the system, lighter rolling forms, to heavy duty construction. The higher the density of the system chosen, the smaller the footprint required. Pallet rack system costs can often be budgeted on a per pallet location basis for comparison purposes.


Ancillary Facility Costs

Depending on the style of pallet racking system selected, the facility size can be estimated and the annual operating costs can be estimated.

Lift Equipment Costs: Based on the size of the facility, distance traveled, volume, number of shifts and type of rack, the number of forklifts and operators required can be estimated and annual operating costs can be estimated.


HVAC and operating costs.

These costs are typically tied to the size of the facility.


Annualized Costs

By calculating all estimated costs on an annual basis, an accurate total cost can be calculated to better measure the racks that are part of a larger operating system.

By using a total cost approach, facility operators can ensure that they understand the trade-offs between different configurations of systems, forklifts and densities. A short example is provided below. Your equipment and rack supplier can provide more accurate cost estimates.





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