
目前显示的是 十二月, 2023的博文

Nine frequently asked questions about pallet racking systems

Let’s say you’re installing a new storage system for your warehouse, and your manager or storage specialist recommends a   pallet racking system . You’ll have at least a dozen questions before you consider investing in them, and rightfully so. The storage industry is as vast as the ocean. Many newcomers find it daunting to make an investment without investigating their chosen storage solution. That’s why we’re here to help. With our experience as a leading storage rack manufacturer in China, we understand the questions you may have. So, let’s get on with it.   Pallet racking and its special advantages The pallet racking system is a common favorite in warehouses. It utilizes vertical space by allowing you to stack horizontal rows with multiple levels. Of course, if you add many horizontal levels, you will need forklifts to store and pick the goods in the pallet rack. However, by adding more horizontal racks, pallet racking helps reduce clutter on the warehouse floor. By using a pallet r

Is a double-deep pallet rack suited for me?

Double Deep Pallet Racking A number of  pallet rack  storage systems are available on the market to meet a variety of needs. Some pallet racking systems are best suited for high product turnover and volume, while other pallet racking systems may cater to low product turnover and volume, or a different mix of both. One pallet storage system that is gaining popularity today is  double deep pallet racking . We will describe the basic anatomy of double deep racking and the advantages that make it such a popular choice. We will also cover the potential disadvantages of double deep pallet racking and what you should know about your warehouse and equipment before making a decision.   Double-Depth Pallet Racking Anatomy In a 100% selective pallet racking system, a single row of pallet racking is placed back-to-back with another row of pallet racking. This means that each pallet is directly accessible. This is a very common storage solution, but with much less storage density than a double-deep